Here at WeRChristmas we love a bit of DIY, especially when it’s festive-themed!
When Christmas comes around the air is filled with spicy cinnamon and fresh pine aromas.
Today, we’ll be showing you some of our favourite DIY candle creations. They’re really simple and a fun way to get the family to spend time together working on a fun project.
Head out into your garden or the local park and collect some twigs/sticks.
Use an old glass (making sure it’s heat-proof) and superglue your twigs around the outside. Use some ribbon or twine and tie a bow around it. Pop in some tea lights, and you’ve got yourself a rustic Christmas candle.
You could use glasses of different shapes and sizes to create a display. Swap twigs for cinnamon sticks and tie a ribbon bow around for an alliterative look.
Cut out a festive shape, such as a star or Christmas tree, and stick it to an old jam or mason jar.
Don’t use super glue on this, as you’ll need to be able to peel it off! You could paint the rest of the glass with spray paint or normal paint.
Once dried, peel off your paper template, and you’ll be left with a clear star or tree-shaped window into your glass to see the flicker of your tea-light.
Tie some colourful ribbon round the rim into a bow! You could also fill these with sweat treats and give them out as gifts.
Create your own little label to tie onto the bow, letting the recipient know they can add a tea-light to reuse their gift as a candle holder.
We love seeing all your creations, so make sure you tag us on social media.